Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Thinking is, indeed, essentially the negation of that which is before us.

Raar engels hieronder, lijkt wel zo'n google vertaling uit het frans of spaans naar het engels. Investigate ipv investigation enzovort. Ook valt mijn voet zomaar uit, komt volgens mij doordat ik 1 paar schoenen 1 week heb gedragen, moet ik afwisselen en te strakke nieuwe sokken. Wat heb ik nog meer aan kletskoek ?

Wat heeft lachgas mij geholpen, voel me al 6 weken top ! Gelukkig nooit antidepressiva gebruikt en die wil ik eigenlijk nooit hoeven te gebruiken. Kom je zo'n borderline varken tegen en dan word je wel erg somber. Het lijkt er nu op dat lachgas mijn redding is, plus dat alles opeens beter gaat, sinds mei vind ik mijn werk leuk, bijzondere vrouw, van die dingen.

Wolffers @IvanWolffers · 10 jun.

Werkt lachgas beter en sneller tegen depressie dan antidepressiva? http://healthmedicinet.com/laughing-gas-works-faster-than-pills-for-depression/ … Gaat het om activeren lachspieren?

Laughing gas works faster than pills for depression

Roger Dobson

Mixing a gas with oxygen can palliate a symptoms of basin within hours or minutes

Laughing gas is used to soothe a pain of birth – though could it be the
answer to depression, too? That’s a idea behind a investigate testing
the use of nitrous oxide – famous as shouting gas – for low mood.

Previous investigate has shown blending a gas with oxygen can palliate a symptoms of
depression within hours or even minutes; antidepressants can take weeks.

It’s suspicion a gas blocks a mind chemical that could play a key
role in a problem. Now this is being tested in a clinical trial.

The customary diagnosis for basin is antidepressants, particularly
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These are pronounced to work
by augmenting levels of a mind chemical serotonin, boosting mood.

But they do not assistance everybody and some investigate has suggested that for mild
to assuage basin they work no improved than a placebo. Even when
antidepressants do work, they can take weeks to have an effect.

However, U.S. investigate suggests a mind chemical glutamate – concerned in
memory, training and discernment – might be concerned in depression.

Glutamate is a neurotransmitter – a chemical that passes messages from one nerve
cell to another. It thatch on to a receptor in a brain. Depression has
been related to glutamate’s ongoing overstimulation of this receptor
(known as NMDA).

Nitrous oxide – a diseased analgesic used in dentistry and birth – is suspicion to retard these receptors.

In a hearing during Washington State University, patients will breathe in a
mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, or a placebo, for one hour. The
severity of their basin will be assessed 30 mins and dual hours
after any treatment.

Previous investigate has shown that drugs which block NMDA can have a absolute outcome on symptoms of serious depression. A investigate of 22 patients given a drug ASD6765 intravenously showed 32 per
cent had improvements within 80 minutes.

Researchers trust that nitrous oxide might have identical advantages to such drugs, though with fewer
side-effects and but a need for intravenous infusion.

‘We have to find new treatments as some patients are not helped by a available
antidepressants,’ says Carmine Pariante, highbrow of biological
psychiatry during a Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London. ‘We
believe that restraint NMDA receptors has calmative effects because
it increases a birth of new neurons, or mind cells, in a brain.
Depression is deliberate to be in partial a outcome of a rebate in
new neurons.

‘Nitrous oxide has a lot of effects on a brain: it
has a relaxing effect, reduces pain and creates euphoria. These effects
are expected due to a communication with biological systems beside the
NMDA receptor. So, it might be formidable to disentangle what is a effect
for a calmative action.’

The gas could retard a mind chemical that could play a pivotal purpose in a problem

"Ik had lachgas nodig om over dat knorrende varken heen te komen."
Als een vrouw zoiets zegt hebben we daar een mooie naam voor: borderline. Hypersensitief en minstens zo egocentrisch.
Bereid om de hele wereld uit rancune in brand te zetten, om geliefden te bedriegen omdat 'ik recht heb op mijn eigen geluk', om je naasten van je te vervreemden met vijandig gedrag.

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